
Easter donations

11th April 2019

As if there wasn’t enough pressure for families struggling to feed their families over the next couple weeks, but at this time of the year everywhere you look there are chocolate eggs.

How do you explain to a 3 year old that the budget just doesn’t stretch that far, when all their friends are enjoying their treats.

For so many families this is the reality they face not the real message of Easter Salvation and love.

But that is exactly what some of our donors are going to show.

We have been contacted by Hexcel and Leicestershire & Rutland Blood Bikes and we will be accepting their generous donation of chocolate eggs at 1pm on Thursday 18th April at the Kings Centre Bull Head Street Wigston.

Any children that would otherwise miss out on receiving an egg please let them know that they and/or their appropriate adult can come and collect one.

Happy Easter God bless.

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